Questions and answers
Q: How did the Trustees choose these benefit improvements?
A: You asked, and we heard you! When deciding which areas of the plan to improve, the Trustees considered feedback from the recent member survey, anecdotal comments from plan members, comparisons to other plans in the education sector, common themes in claims appeals, and affordability. The goal was to focus on improvements that would be meaningful, relevant and valuable to the CUPE EWBT plan membership on the whole.
Q: How do these changes impact me?
A: The enhancements will automatically be applied to the CUPE EWBT benefits plan, effective March 1, 2020. If you have reached the maximum for any of the above benefits, then you will be able to claim the difference between the current maximum and the new maximum by submitting new claims for expenses incurred on or after March 1, 2020.
Example: Let’s say you have already reached the $500/benefit year maximum for chiropractic coverage by March 1, 2020. As of that date, you are entitled to an additional $250 for the rest of the benefit year (i.e., until August 31, 2020). When the
new benefit year starts on September 1, 2020, the maximum will reset, and you will have the full
$750/benefit year available to claim.
Please be aware that you can’t resubmit any claims for previously incurred expenses – these changes apply only to claims incurred on or after March 1, 2020.
Scenario #1: You are regularly scheduled to work more than 15 hours but less than 17.5 hours per week, and you have been paying the 50% premium share for Health and Dental.
You will now be eligible to pay only the 4% premium share, and your deduction amount will be automatically adjusted. You aren’t required to re-enroll to get the new premium share; however, you will have an opportunity to change your coverage at this time (e.g., move from single to family status, or add additional coverage). Starting February 15, 2020, OTIP (our plan administrator) will be sending emails with enrollment instructions to eligible members. If you wish to change your coverage, you can do so online, through OTIP’s secure member site, until March 31, 2020.
Scenario #2: You are regularly scheduled to work more than 15 hours but less than 17.5 hours per week, and you previously opted out of the plan.
You will now be eligible for the 4% premium share for Health and Dental, and you will have a one-time opportunity to enroll in the plan. Starting February 15, 2020, OTIP will be sending emails with enrollment instructions to eligible members. Be sure to complete your enrollment by March 31, 2020. The Trustees are pleased to be able to improve the CUPE EWBT benefits plan in 2020. Keep in mind, the plan will be reviewed on a regular basis, and benefits levels or member contributions may be adjusted up or down in the future to ensure the plan remains sustainable. That’s why we encourage you to use your plan for the benefits you need, but also to use it responsibly.
A note about hearing aids
Due to the plan changes, as of March 1, 2020, you will have an additional $1,500 available for new hearing aid claims. Here’s an illustration of how the reimbursement will work:

We recommend contacting Canada Life prior to incurring your next hearing aid expense to confirm the eligible amount.