Information about your travel benefit
Current status, coverage, and who to contact
Are you contemplating travel this holiday season? It’s worth taking the time to review the updated policies associated with your CUPE EWBT travel benefit.
Here’s a quick summary of what you need to know in advance of your travel:
- If you have a sudden and unexpected medical issue while travelling, your Travel Assistance benefit provides access to multilingual assistance; it also helps you find physicians and healthcare facilities in the area, and make travel arrangements.
- Claims related to COVID-19, or ones that are incurred when visiting countries with travel advisory warnings, will be treated like any other claim under your plan.
Canada Life will cover medical treatments related to the initial medical emergency in accordance with their plan provisions, as well as follow-up treatment if you’re unable to return home before the end of your trip due to quarantine (provided you aren’t refusing to be evacuated). However, there is no coverage for incidental expenses.
These include:

For more information about your Travel Assistance Benefit, see the emergency medical travel brochure at
Statutory leave: emergency leave policy
While the pandemic seems to be winding down, it’s still beneficial to know that in the event of a declared emergency (including those related to infectious diseases), you would still have access to benefits – at your current active rate – until the leave is officially declared over.
An end of year reminder
Just a reminder that your plan year runs from September 1 to August 31. So, while we’re approaching the end of the calendar year, there’s nothing you need to do except continue monitoring your plan limits to help with budgeting. There are still nine months left in the plan year!
Monitoring your plan limits
It’s important that you monitor your limits. Why? Because if you understand your coverage, you’ll be able to better budget for all the valuable supplies and services the CUPE EWBT plan has to offer.
Not all your benefits have plan-year limits – instead, some have ‘rolling’ limits based on the date that you receive (or purchase) the service (like the limits applicable to orthopaedic shoes and vision care!).
For example:
- Custom-fitted orthopedic shoes – the CUPE EWBT plan covers one pair every 12 rolling months, up to a maximum of $500.
- Custom-made foot orthotics – the plan covers one pair every 24 rolling months to a maximum of $700.
- Hearing aids – recently increased from $1,000 every 60 rolling months, is currently covered up to $2,500 every 24 rolling months.
- Periodontal scaling – 12 units of periodontal scaling combined with root planning every 12 rolling months.
- Vision care – $450 every 24 rolling months.
Here’s an illustration of how your vision care reimbursement could work, so you can keep close track – and not be surprised if a claim isn’t paid before you’re eligible for the service once again.

What to know more?
You’ll find more detailed information on what’s covered by your benefits plan in the CUPE EWBT Benefits Booklet, posted on the CUPE EWBT website.
Remember, physician fees are not covered…
Your CUPE EWBT benefits plan provides comprehensive coverage for a truly wide range of health- related expenses – including prescription drugs, dental and vision care, paramedicals, as well as medical services/supplies. However, there are some fees – like those related to physicians, administration, and injections – that your plan doesn’t cover.
So, what exactly are physician fees? These may include the following costs:

Coverage for these expenses is most often available under your provincial healthcare plan (OHIP) – and therefore, won’t be covered under your CUPE EWBT benefits plan.
For instance: If you’re prescribed a drug that requires prior authorization, the plan doesn’t cover the cost of your doctor completing the forms required by Canada Life.
Be prepared
Make sure you completely understand your treatment options and the associated costs, so you’re not unnecessarily paying out of pocket for the medical services/supplies you receive. And if you’re not sure whether an expense is covered or not, call Canada Life at 1-866-800-8058 or visit GroupNet for Plan
Members for more information.
Looking for more information?
Want more details on your benefits, or how the plan works? Check to find ongoing member updates, FAQs, the plan booklet and guide, as well as other helpful resources.
For enrolment and eligibility questions, or to report a death claim, call OTIP Benefits Services at 1-866-783-6847.
Or if you have health and dental claims questions, contact Canada Life’s dedicated CUPE EWBT line at 1-866-800-8058.
Lastly, for any general inquiries or Trust-related issues, please email
As we enter 2021’s home stretch, we hope you and your loved ones have a happy and safe new year.